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        Bookings and Fees  


       We take bookings up to four (4) months in advance of the Start Date.

       To secure a booking for an Item, you must: 

  1. Agree to The Terms and Conditions in this Hire Agreement.

  2. Pay the Total Fee in full. (Including any BOND Payable on specified dresses due to their delicate nature)

  3. We must receive the Total Fee in cleared funds on, or before, the Start Date before we will hire the Item to you.

  4. You agree that no credit or refund of the Total Fee is given for any part of the Hire Period where Item is not used for any reason or returned to us prior to the expiry of the Hire Period. 



  1. To cancel your booking, you must contact us by our phone number or email address indicated above. No Refunds will be given, and You will receive a store Credit and will be valid for 4 months of cancellation date.

  2. If the Item is faulty, you must contact us within 2 hours of the time you receive or pick up the Item and we will arrange for an exchange for a comparable or similar item (subject to availability), or refund any fees paid by you, as determined by us in our absolute discretion. You agree that we reserve the right to cancel a booking, without any liability to us, at short notice for any reason whatsoever. Reasons for cancellation may include (but are not limited to) an Item not being available or damage to an Item. We endeavour, but are not obliged to, provide as much notice as possible if we need to cancel a booking at short notice. In the event of a cancellation by us, we offer a full refund of the Total Fee or the option to change the booking to another comparable or similar Item (subject to availability). 


        Dry Cleaning

        (Dry Cleaning is included in the hire price)

  1. You agree to drop Items back to BDB or Specified Gowns and Dresses off to our nominated dry cleaners after the Hire Period then we will (BDB) collect those items from the dry cleaners. We use experienced dry cleaners that are familiar with the care instructions for the Item. 

  2. You must not to attempt to clean the Item. If you attempt to clean the Item and it results in damage to the Item as reasonably determined by us, the cost of: 

    1. Rectifying such damage (if it is possible to rectify the damage); or 

    2. Replacing the item (if it is not possible to rectify the damage) – will be payable by you. We will inform you of the amount by email and You agree that such amount be paid directly to our BDB Account within 5 days of being notified by email.


       Your Obligations  

  1. We expect our customers to take diligent care of the hired Item. However, it is possible some wear may occur. However, if, acting we determine that unacceptable damage has occurred to an Item while it was hired by you, we will tell you and the cost of: 

  2. Rectifying such damage (if it is possible to rectify the damage); or

  3. Replacing the item (if it is not possible to rectify the damage) – will be payable by you. We will inform you of the amount by email and You agree that such amount be paid directly to our BDB Account within 5 days of being notified by email.

  4. If the Item is lost, stolen, or damaged beyond repair, whether such loss, theft, or damage is attributable to any negligence, failure, or omission of you then you must pay for replacement of the Item. You agree that in assessing the replaceable value, we will consider: the demand of that Item in the market, the availability to re-purchase that Item in the market and the condition of the Item. You must always while during the Hire Period: 

    1. Retain possession and control of the Item. 

    2. Keep and maintain the Item in good condition and protect the Item from theft, seizure, and loss. 

    3. Must not repair, alter, tamper with, damage or modify the Item in any manner including the removal, obscuring or modification of, or addition to, all or any part of the Item instructions, labels, trademarks, or other markings; and 

    4. Must not sell, offer for sale, part with possession of, mortgage, assign, transfer, charge, encumber or otherwise deal with the Item. 


       You acknowledge and agree that:

  1. You are responsible and liable for any loss or damage to the Item however occasioned. 


       Collecting the Item

  1. The Hire Period commences on the Start Date and expires on the Return Date.   

  2. You will collect item from us at our address on start date of hire.


        Returning the Item 

  1. You must return the Item to us, BDB or to our nominated dry cleaners on the Return Date unless other arrangements have been made and approved by us prior to the Return Date. 

  2. To return an Item by dropping off to our nominated dry cleaners, you must notify us via our phone number 0407010023 to let us know that you have returned the item on the return date.

  3. If You have Paid a Bond for a particular item and it is returned and deemed that the item is not damaged at all, we will notify you by email and the funds will be credited into your nominated bank account by direct bank transfer the following business day.

  4. Late returns attract a late fee of 20% of the Total Fee for each day late after the Return Date. Late fees may be accumulated every day until the Item is returned. 

  5. If you have not returned the Item within 7 days after the Return Date, we will consider the Item as non-returned, and we will expect the amount paid to us and the recommended retail price of the Item minus the Total Fee that you have already paid. 



        To the extent permitted by law: 

  1. The Item is/are provided ‘as is’ without warranty of any kind. 

  2. We exclude all warranties whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise relating in any way to the Item and/or any other subject matter of this Hire Agreement. Nothing in this clause restricts or changes any right of remedy you may have under the Australian Consumer Law as set out in Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth). 

  3. You use and possess the Item entirely at your risk and you agree that we are not responsible or liable for any loss or damage because of the hire or use of the Item by you. To the extent permitted by law, you release and discharge us from:

    1. All claims and demands on us; and 

    2. Any loss or damage whatsoever and whenever caused to you arising directly or indirectly from or incidental to any deficiency in any Item, any accident to or involving any Item which may occur. For any loss or damage which cannot otherwise be excluded, our liability for any loss or damage which you or any third party suffers arising from, or caused or contributed to by, our negligence, is limited to the fees paid by you under this Hire Agreement. Neither party is liable to the other for any indirect or consequential loss or special damage incurred by the other party under or in relation to this Hire Agreement. 



        We may terminate this Hire Agreement at any time without liability to you if: 

  1. You fail to pay the Total Fee or other fees payable under this Hire Agreement. 

  2. You breach any term of this Hire Agreement you fail to perform or observe any of the undertakings or provisions of this Hire Agreement on your part to be performed or observed you become bankrupt, insolvent, or are placed into liquidation, administration or receivership or pass away. 

       You agree that if we terminate this Hire Agreement 

  1. We may repossess the Item; and 

  2. You are not entitled to a refund of all or any part of the Total Fee. 



  1. We retain legal and beneficial title to the Item notwithstanding the possession and use of the Item by you during the Hire Period. 

  2. Any description, illustration, image, or other depiction of the Item contained in our marketing material, catalogues, quote, or advertising is for illustrative purposes only and does not form part of this Hire Agreement.

  3. Nothing contained or implied in this Hire Agreement will be deemed or construed to create the relationship of partnership, of principal and agent, of joint venture or any fiduciary relationship between us and you. 

  4. You agree to promptly do all further acts and deliver all further documents. 

           required by law or requested by us to give effect to this Hire Agreement.

       This Hire Agreement may not be varied unless otherwise agreed between the parties in writing. 

  1. Not exercising any right, remedy, or power it may have under this Hire Agreement does not waive any right a party may have to exercise any such right, remedy or power it has under this Hire Agreement. 

  2. This Hire Agreement will be governed by the law of Western Australia and the parties submit to the exclusive authority of the courts of Western Australia in respect of any proceedings in connection with this Hire Agreement. 

  3. Any part or provision of this Hire Agreement, which is invalid, void, or unenforceable is to be read down or severed, and the rest of the Hire Agreement applies in full force and effect. 

  4. We reserve the right to take all steps necessary to collect amounts due from you, including, but not limited to, legal action. You are liable for our reasonable costs including the cost of any bank fees for dishonoured amounts, collection agency, or other legal or accounting costs incurred in the collection of overdue amounts from you. 


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